Posted on 4/25/2022

Rust can damage your car's aesthetics and physical/mechanical integrity. Not only can that frustrate you, but it might also cost you money for repairs and the resale value when the time comes. Here are some tips and techniques to help keep your car rust-free. Wash and Wax Washing your car helps get rid of dirt and dust that can damage the protective coating and expose it to or retain moisture. Rust may form when the car's metal reacts to water or oxygen. On the other hand, waxing keeps your vehicle's paint intact. That helps protect it from moisture and oxygen that could cause rust. Rinse Your Car During Winter Salt on roads during winter may catalyze the formation of rust on metal, meaning your car's parts may rust faster. It's imperative to clean your car regularly during winter to prevent salt accumulation. It's also crucial to apply a rust lubricant on the car's underside and the wheel wells to keep the metal dry and salt-free. That provide ... read more