Posted on 7/28/2022

Most of us, if not all have been in a vehicle either driving or being driven. From our experiences in cars, we have seen a few mistakes made by drivers. Here is a list of some of the most common driver mistakes. Speeding Distraction Fatigue Overtaking and Lane Changing The mistakes mentioned on the list above are just a few of the many mistakes drivers make on the road. Speeding Across the globe, when we talk about automobile accidents, speed has come up as the most common reason. This is because it is harder to control an over speeding vehicle. We are required to stick to the required speed limit. Don't be tempted to go over the speed limit. A meeting with the biggest client of your firm is not worth any life. Better late than never. Distraction When driving, you need your brain, eyes and ears focused. Distraction can lead to a fatal crash not only to you but to others using the road. Eyes on the road, hands on the steering wheel. Smartphones, other occupants and chang ... read more