Posted on 5/31/2023

Dry ice cleaning is something quite new in the industry. This means that it's getting talked about more and more, but what does it exactly mean? If you continue reading, you will find out what this procedure is, how it's done, and a few benefits it offers in comparison to similar alternatives. What Is Dry Ice Cleaning? Dry ice cleaning is a procedure where the undercarriage of the vehicle can be cleaned with maximum efficiency. When cars are driven on the road, they collect a lot of dirt and debris, which are hard to get rid of when stuck underneath the car. This means that cleaning them with normal methods and products isn't very effective. Here comes the innovative dry ice cleaning method. The process consists of blasting the dry parts with dry ice particles, which easily cleans them and doesn't damage them in comparison with other methods. But what is dry ice? Simply put, it's the solid form of the gas carbon dioxide ... read more