My family has been coming to this company since it was just getting started. As a young kid I didn't quite understand the dynamic between auto repairs and didn't see much of a big deal as far as his company compared to other ones go. As I got older I realized what the differences were and I realized why color recon is such a great company. They're one of the few companies that actually pay attention to the customers needs and will go the extra mile to make sure that they don't get screwed over in any way. The service is equal to any manufacturer of parts or they can do great cosmetic work is needed. They also fully comprehend the dynamic of how insurance companies work and what is best for a customer's financial, personal, and professional needs. Very humble people, very sincere, and above all else I've had zero complaints from myself or anyone else I've ever refer to them. The only downside is that there a local company so if I ever left Florida I'd be in a bit of a predicament lol